In order to participate in the conference’s activities and to receive the conference portfolio, all participants must pay the conference fee.

An author can publish a maximum of two scientific papers as single author or first author.

Conference fees:

This covers the participation at the plenary session and all conference sections, coffee breaks, lunch, and all the documents dedicated to the 23th Edition of ICNcT 2024. The evening ICNcT banquet is not included.

Payment Instructions

For the Romanian participants, the conference fee will be paid in LEI at the BNR course in the following account:

Asociația Română pentru Tehnologii Neconvenționale, Filiala București

CIF: 18669360

IBAN Account: RO04BRDE410SV70852414100

Bank: BRD - Filiala Academiei

Under explanations on the money order: ICNcT fee for Name and Surname

For the foreign participants, the conference fee will be paid in EUROS in the account of Romanian Association of Nonconventional Technologies. The account code will be communicated later.

For more detailed information, please access the conference web site: