About Conference

„Politehnica” University of Bucharest, University of Toledo, USA, The Academy for Technical Sciences of Romania, The Romanian Association for Nonconventional Technologies – ARTN, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, “Transylvania” University Brasov, and with the support of the Ministry of National Education, have the honour to organize in Bucharest during the 23th – 25th October 2014, The 17th edition of International Conference of Nonconventional Technologies - ICNcT 2014.

The event is the most representative Romanian conference dedicated to nonconventional machining technologies and has 43 years old tradition in the scientific world. The 2014 17th edition subscribes to the current context in which nanotechnologies are the future of the planet and their importance in the economic development of regions is heavily considered.

Under the conditions in which states, governments, developers and investors from different fields seek the most efficient strategies for reducing costs and energy consumption, field researches, acknowledged and patented inventions, the results of the research centres and institutions in the field of nonconventional technologies become sure solutions.

An added value is given to the academic event by co-opting in the international scientific committee certain remarkable personalities from the field of non-conventional technologies and, organizing the conference in Bucharest, the Capital of Romania, the most development region of the country, will offer guests and participants alike the opportunity to find out the most notable achievement of the city.

The papers presented during the Conference will be published in The Nonconventional Technologies Review, scientific publication established in 1997 with quarterly issuing, B+ Review CNCSIS, indexed in three international data bases: Copernicus, ProQuest, EBSCO and under indexation process in two more international data bases.