Conference Fee

In order to participate to the conference’s activities and in order to receive the conference portfolio absolutely all participants (participants, attendants, Ph.D. students, etc) must pay the conference fee.
The conference’s banquet is not included in the conference fee.
An author can publish a maximum of two scientific papers as sole author or first author.

Conference fee:

For the Romanian participants the conference fee will be paid in Lei at the BNR course in the following bank account:
Asociația Română pentru Tehnologii Alternative Sibiu - ARTA Sibiu, VOLKSBANK Sibiu,
IBAN: RO11VBBU2511SB0881652701
Under explanations on the money order: "conference fee for: Name and Surname".

For foreign participants the conference fee will be paid in EUROS in the following bank account:
Asociația Română pentru Tehnologii Alternative Sibiu - ARTA Sibiu, VOLKSBANK Sibiu,
IBAN: RO46VBBU2511SB0881651101
Under explanations on the money order: "conference fee for: Name and Surname"

Please send the proof of payment (money order copy) to:

The ICNcT 2013 conference fee includes the following: